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来源:整理 时间:2022-11-22 08:20:37 编辑:尖叫部落 手机版


Tourism and Hotel Management
你好,原文:旅游与酒店管理翻译:tourism and hotel management。



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places of interest
a tourist destination;a scenic spot; a place of tourist attraction



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楼上的几位,请问你们做过酒店吗?有这么翻译的嘛。DEAR CUSTOMER HELLO?????有这么说话的吗?应该是:Dear Mr./Miss XXX:还有 HELLO是禁语,你的上级没教过你吗?you live????有这么说话的吗?During your stay应该是,还有很多真不想说了,真是白痴到了极点。


酒店英文是hotel。读:英 [h???tel],美 [ho??tel]。翻译:酒店,旅馆,旅社,酒吧,酒馆,餐馆。第三人称单数:hotels。复数:hotels。现在分词:hotelling。过去式:hotelled。例句:The people in the hotel were mainly foreign tourists. 酒店里住的大多是外国游客。短语搭配:hotel industry 旅馆业,宾馆业。luxury hotel 豪华饭店。hotel reservation 酒店预订,订旅馆。garden hotel 花园酒店,花园饭店。hotel lobby 饭店大堂,宾馆大厅。


tour [tu?] n. 旅行, 观光 My tour lasted two months. 我的旅行持续了两个月。 巡回比赛[演出等] He is in the United States on a speaking tour. 他正在美国作巡回演讲。 vt. & vi. 旅行, 游历 They are touring in Spain. 他们正在西班牙旅行。
[tu?] n. 旅行, 观光 vt. & vi. 旅行, 游历
拖儿 旅行 旅游的意思
tu e 旅行
旅程 tu e


旅行:travel、journey、tour1、travel:英 [?tr?vl] 美 [?tr?v?l]n.旅行; 进行; 移动; 漫游vi.旅行; 传送; 前进,行进; [篮球]走步vt.经过,通过; 游历2、journey:vt.在…旅行;旅行到过(某地)n.旅行,旅程行期;历程,过程vi.旅行,出游vt.在…旅行或旅行到过…3、tour:[英][t??(r)] [美][t?r]n.旅行,观光;巡回演出;任职期;轮班;vt.到…旅游;在…巡回演出;vi.观光;巡回;第三人称单数:tours过去分词:toured复数:tours现在进行时:touring过去式:toured扩展资料travel示例:1、You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow.你最好明天赶赴赫尔辛基。2、In formationon travel in NewZealand is available atthe hotel.新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。参考资料:百度百科-Travel 百度百科-journey 百度百科-tour


1. The hotel during the period, please take care of your Housing Card when you check-out card and returned to the Housing Office Desk cashier. 2. Visitors need to registration and leave the room before 23:00 pm. 3. Hotel Check-out time between the check-out for the afternoon 14:30,14:30-18:00, to close a half-day room rate, after 18:00 pm Check-out, to close the day all the room rate.4. Please valuables stored in safe deposit box free of charge a total station, the loss occurred or is not responsible for the hotel.5. Lobby manager on duty at any time in the lobby waiting to help you solve all problems, for your convenience.


酒店的英文是:hotelhotel:音标:英 [h???tel] 美 [ho??tel] n. 旅馆;酒吧;餐馆n. (Hotel) (美)奥泰尔(人名)短语:hotel industry 旅馆业;宾馆业luxury hotel 豪华饭店hotel reservation 酒店预订;订旅馆garden hotel 花园酒店;花园饭店hotel lobby 饭店大堂;宾馆大厅例句:A special bus transported the tourists from the airport to a hotel. 一辆专车把游客们由机场送到一家旅馆。扩展资料:近义词:restaurant:音标:英 [?restr?nt] 美 [?restrɑ?nt,?rest?rɑ?nt] n. 餐馆;饭店短语:chinese restaurant 中餐厅;中餐馆fast food restaurant 速食店thai restaurant 泰式餐厅;泰国菜馆fast-food restaurant 快餐店,速食店;快餐餐厅restaurant manager 饭店经理,餐厅经理例句:She recommended us another restaurant. 她向我们推荐了另一家饭馆。


宾馆、酒店的英文如下:1、宾馆:hotel;guesthouse举例:代表团乘车前往宾馆。The delegation drove to the guesthouse. 2、酒店:hotel wineshop:public house;tavern; rummery例句:这家酒店最近重新设计和装修过。The hotel has recently been redesigned and redecorated扩展资料:举例:酒店:1、如果您想犒劳一下自己,马耳他希尔顿酒店将为您提供高水准的国际化服务。If you want to treat yourself, the Malta Hilton offers high international standards. 2、一大群人围住了这个酒店。A swarm of people encircled the hotel 3、该酒店有几个网球场和壁球场。The hotel has several tennis and squash courts 4、不得不说,阿斯彭的丽兹·卡尔顿饭店是我所住过的最气派的酒店之一。The Ritz-Carlton in Aspen has to rank as one of the most extraordinary hotels I have ever宾馆:1、在这附近有宾馆吗?Has the guesthouse nearby this? 2、汽车在宾馆外面旅馆前面停了下来。The car pulled up outside the guesthouse in front of the hotel. 3、换一个环境开会,宾馆太贵了,大家有没有好的推荐?Change an environment to attend a meeting, guesthouse is too expensive, does everybodyhave good commendation?

