首页 > 景点 > 知识 > 但是酒店离市中心较远英文翻译,住在阳光酒店附近 英文形式

但是酒店离市中心较远英文翻译,住在阳光酒店附近 英文形式

来源:整理 时间:2023-08-20 23:11:06 编辑:尖叫部落 手机版

1,住在阳光酒店附近 英文形式

live near Sunshine Restaurant live的形式要根据人称时态变化
住在阳光酒店附近 翻译为: Live in the vicinity of the hotel in the sun

住在阳光酒店附近 英文形式

2,最近的宾馆离这五百米远 英语翻译

Recent Hotel 500 meters far away from this
离……远,be far from ,比如那儿里学校远吗?就可以用is that far from the school. 这是课本中的标准句子啊。

最近的宾馆离这五百米远 英语翻译


楼上的几位,请问你们做过酒店吗?有这么翻译的嘛。DEAR CUSTOMER HELLO?????有这么说话的吗?应该是:Dear Mr./Miss XXX:还有 HELLO是禁语,你的上级没教过你吗?you live????有这么说话的吗?During your stay应该是,还有很多真不想说了,真是白痴到了极点。



第一句:Please bring your good players goods, Thank you for your presence 第二句:Please keep good custody of your portable items, Thank you for your presence! 大概就是这样把···

5,The Hotel is right in the centre of city 意思

旅馆正好(恰好)在市中心。right adv.不偏不倚地,正好;恰好,就


1, Catering Serivice & Management 2, Front Office Service & Management 3, Room Service & Management  【有疑问,请追问】
1, Food and Beverage Service and Management 2, the lobby of Service and Management 3, Room Service and Management


1. The hotel during the period, please take care of your Housing Card when you check-out card and returned to the Housing Office Desk cashier. 2. Visitors need to registration and leave the room before 23:00 pm. 3. Hotel Check-out time between the check-out for the afternoon 14:30,14:30-18:00, to close a half-day room rate, after 18:00 pm Check-out, to close the day all the room rate.4. Please valuables stored in safe deposit box free of charge a total station, the loss occurred or is not responsible for the hotel.5. Lobby manager on duty at any time in the lobby waiting to help you solve all problems, for your convenience.
